ι, η, υ, οι, ει etc - Ask Greek

2015年9月13日 - These were all pronounced differently from each other in ancient Greek. Greek speakers simplified the spoken language but the historical ...

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ΙΕΗ¦¦ΠΒῇῇΠΡ::Ἡ: ::ιι:η·ι.ι.ιιΔ.ι:::: Πιι· Ηι..'. ι·ιι:-ι·ιειιι.ιιιι·ι: Η: :ιιι·ιι.ι:ιι:ι·ιιιι Ι.ι!μ.'ί ι:::ι1::ι.·:··.·ι$ι:τιιιιι:ιι:ι: Ει:::ι::::ιι:ι.ι.Ε:: : Η! ΤΈι.."ι.!.:: :ι:ι:·.·ιι$ι:·ι Εν: ::ι.ι:ι:!::ι:::ιι:·ι.::ι::::ι:ι: Π :ιοι::ι·.

Ι - Wiktionary

(Greek-script letters) Α α (A a), Β β (B b), Γ γ (G g), Δ δ (D d), Ε ε (E e), Ζ ζ (Z z), Η η (Ē ē), Θ θ (Th th), Ι ι ℩ (I i ℩), Κ κ (K k), Λ λ (L l), Μ μ (M m), Ν ν (N n), Ξ ξ (X x), ...