「什錦湯麵」相關食譜共15 道- 愛料理

愛料理的什錦湯麵食譜,有最新的什錦海鮮湯麵,以及什錦湯麵、什錦刀削湯麵、鮮食 西班牙烘蛋鯖魚湯麵什錦炒肉、什錦湯煨麵、牛肉湯+什錦炒麵_記憶中的味味 ...

什锦 - Wiktionary

See also: 什錦. Chinese[edit]. ExpandFor pronunciation and definitions of 什锦 – see 什錦 (“assorted; mixed; ... (This term, 什锦, is the simplified form of 什錦.).

什錦 - Wiktionary

This entry lacks etymological information. If you are familiar with the origin of this term, please add it to the page per etymology instructions. You can also discuss ...


什锦是一个汉语词语,读音是shí jǐn,是指由多种原料制成或多种花样的,也指多种原料制成或多种花样拼成的食品。该词语在和等文献均有记载。...