Star Hunter (星際獵人)

苔蘚、泥沼、泥炭地 outfit n.裝備、用具、服裝、一套工具 v.供應全套裝備 passing adj.經過的 He watched the passing crowd. (他看著路過的人群) n.消失 I do not liketo ...

A Voice in the Wilderness (荒野之聲)

裝備、用具、服裝、一套工具 v.供應全套裝備 meditate v.考慮、沉思 He meditated for 2 days before giving his answer. (他在回答之前考慮了2天。) bout n.一陣、一回、 ...

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Heart of the West (西部之心)

(乞丐把罐子裏的錢幣搖得嘎嘎響。) plunge v.刺入、陷入、跳入 She plungedtheknife into his chest. (她把刀刺進了他的胸膛。) outfit n.裝備、用具、服裝、一套工具 v.
