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Geological Survey Bulletin

0s 0 a 0 0 ,000 B 000 s sooo B so a soo a 150 0, 00 B. 120 50 • 0 A 0 a 0 & & 0.0 & 15 ,000 b ,000 o 000 B so o s00 B. 150 0,00 A 1 40 40 • 0 a 0 a 0 a 6 0.0 a 20 ...

Statistical Abstract of the United States

000 og 18°0 000', 00 's, 000'LIZ, '!. (OF '0&I's) 00ç'$/g'ı 0gā, 'IF). 010 'gs g's: (J00'080 og 000'&&\; '8 I96 'No, 's's.in/po/I '0'lılır.A 000 '#$%&' Į 000'$0] · 1 000 '07 ...

國際單位系統- 維基百科

1024, yotta, Y, 一秭, 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000. 1021, zetta, Z ... 103, kilo, k, 千, 1 000. 102, hecto, h, 百, 100. 101, deca,deka, da, 十, 10. 100, 一, 1.