Qualifications | CIDESCO

The CIDESCO Diploma is the world's prestigious qualification for Aesthetics and Beauty Therapy which has set international standards since 1957.

2019 瑞士cidesco美容治療師文憑 - Facebook

活動介紹 瑞士CIDESCO國際美容師協會為國際公認最權威的美容組織,會員來自36個國家及地區。由CIDESCO頒發的國際美容師文憑,受到眾多國家認可及重視。

3月瑞士CIDESCO美容治療師文憑 - Facebook

瑞士cidesco國際美容治療師證照(36大國認證/國外考官親臨檢定) 上課日期:2018/03/07-2018/08/22(每週一堂) 上課時間:9:30-17:00 上課地址:台北市松山區復興 ...


The world's major international beauty therapy Association.


CIDESCO(圣迪斯哥)是世界知名的国际美容组织,创建于1946年, 总部设在瑞士苏黎世。圣迪斯哥分部已遍及全球36个国家, 其美容文凭在世界美容美学行业内是最 ...

CIDESCO - New Age Spa Institute

What is CIDESCO? Based in Switzerland and with more than 60 years of examinations and training, CIDESCO is the world's premiere spa and beauty certifier.

CIDESCO USA - America's Beauty Show

CIDESCO International, headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland and active in more than 40 countries on five continents, is the world's most respected beauty ...