Array.prototype.filter() - MDN - Mozilla

2019年4月30日 - 以下範例會用 filter() 建立一個把所有小於10 的元素都移掉的陣列。 function isBigEnough(value) [ return value >= 10; ] var filtered = [12, 5, 8, 130, ...

篩選函式(DAX) - DAX | Microsoft Docs

篩選函式Filter functions. 2020/02/26. In this article. 在此類別中. DAX 中篩選和值函式是其中一些最複雜且功能強大的函式,且與Excel 函式的差異很大。The filter ...

Python filter() - Programiz

The filter() method constructs an iterator from elements of an iterable for which a function returns true.

PHP: Filter Functions - Manual -

Filter Functions ¶. Table of Contents ¶. filter_has_var — Checks if variable of specified type exists; filter_id — Returns the filter ID belonging to a named filter ...

PHP Filter Functions - W3Schools

This PHP filters is used to validate and filter data coming from insecure sources, like user input. Installation. From PHP 5.2.0, the filter functions are enabled by ...