metal - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果

名詞; 1. 金屬;合金[C][U]. Heat expands metal. 熱使金屬膨脹。 2. 金屬製品[C]; 3. 【英】(鐵路的)鋼軌[P]; 4. 【英】築路碎石[U]; 5. 鑄鐵熔液,玻璃液[U]. vt. 及物動詞; 1.

Metal | Apple Developer Documentation

Graphics processors (GPUs) are designed to quickly render graphics and perform data-parallel calculations. Use the Metal framework when you need to ...

Metal Magazine: English

METAL is an independent publishing project with a curious eye and an international spirit, a heady mix of fashion, photography and art.

Metal | chemistry |

Metal: Metal, any of a class of substances characterized by high electrical and thermal conductivity as well as by malleability, ductility, and high reflectivity of light ...

Metal - Wikipedia

A metal is a material that, when freshly prepared, polished, or fractured, shows a lustrous appearance, and conducts electricity and heat relatively well. Metals ...