

breakfast - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果

This hotel serves excellent breakfasts. 這家旅館供應非常好的早餐。 vi. 不及物動詞; 1. 吃早餐[(+on)]. I am going to breakfast with them tomorrow. 明天我將與他們 ...

Breakfast - Wikipedia

Breakfast is typically the first meal of a day, most often eaten in the early morning before undertaking the day's work. The word in English refers to breaking the ...

Breakfast & Brunch | Skinnytaste

This homemade breakfast pizza is made with bacon, eggs, tomatoes, spinach and ... Breakfast lovers, jazz up your mornings with this Meal Prep Breakfast Taco ...

Jack In The Box - Breakfast

Sandwiches. Loaded Breakfast Sandwich. Extreme Sausage® Sandwich. Ultimate Breakfast Sandwich. Grilled Breakfast Sandwich. Sausage Breakfast Jack® ...